Friday, November 22, 2019

Business proposal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business proposal - Assignment Example In this regard, we would focus on collecting information about the present healthcare and educational issues faced by the lower income group population and provide adequate knowledge through campaigning, in order to improve their living standards. In order to obtain detailed information about the health conditions and educational backgrounds of the locales, we have already prepared a set a program, which can enable our project team to obtain adequate data and formulate effective strategies to achieve the desired objective in improving the living standard of the community population. Therefore, we would highly appreciate your knowledgeable review along with approval regarding the proposed protocol. In this proposal, your questions and further recommendations would be highly acknowledged. We look forward to your kind response regarding the approval of the proposal. Sincerely, Chun Hao EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In relation to the current scenario of the communities, especially the lower income group around the university campus, a significant support is highly essential in order to develop their health and educational background at a greater sustainable level. Correspondingly, the population of the community is often identified to face different health related issues. Moreover, considering the increasing unemployment along with mounting poverty rate of the community population, a substantial degree of need persists to take adequate steps in providing a basic educational support to develop the living standards within the mentioned community. The research proposal aims to conduct knowledge enhancement activities regarding healthcare issues, which can enable them to improve their present living standard, especially that led by the low income group population around the univer

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